Q: Is there any data on the incidence of death in patients with HTN on ACE/ARB versus those not on ACE/ARB? That is, is the cause of increased mortality in HTN patients due not to the disease but the medications we are usin


Is there any data on the incidence of death in patients with HTN on ACE/ARB versus those not on ACE/ARB? That is, is the cause of increased mortality in HTN patients due not to the disease but the medications we are using to treat the HTN?

Q: Should ACE/ARBs be discontinued and switched to something else in patients with only HTN?


Theoretically, COVID-19 invades the cells through ACE2, and some ACEI / ARB up-regulate ACE2, which may be beneficial to virus replication. Therefore, the consensus of cardiovascular experts in Hubei Province suggests that ACEI / ARB should be replaced with other antihypertensive drugs(CCB) in the early stage of COVID-19.

Q: Please discuss if you saw a positive or negative effect of ACE inhibitor or ARB therapy.


This is a controversial topic. I was infected with COVID-19 in January 2020. To study this problem, I took 4 mg perindopril 5 days after the onset of the disease.  A few hours later, I continued to have high fever and a severe cough. Theoretically, COVID-19 invades the cells through ACE2, and some ACEI / ARB up-regulate ACE2, which may be beneficial to virus replication. Therefore, the consensus of cardiovascular experts in Hubei Province suggests that ACEI / ARB should be replaced with other antihypertensive drugs in the early stage of COVID-19.