Q: Is that just elder people go to hospital? Any strong relationship bwtween age and outcome?


The age of inpatient ranged from 20s to 90s in our hospital. In our department, we have received 80 patients, 26 cases for≥65 years old (32.5%) and 17 for ≥70 (21.25%). The age of all fatality patients were ≥65 years old in our hospital, the duration for the COVID-19 RNA negative and pulmonary inflammation absorption was much longer for old patients then young patients. Recent online report also showed similar result (https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6912e2.htm). Therefore, we agree that there is strong relationship between age and outcome.

Q: Generally, do we know the average age of those that die (fail to recover) because of COVID-19?


The average age is 49.  59% patients are male. Median incubation period is 4 days.