Q: Have you seen any cardiac involvement in pediatric patients


Pediatric patients account for less than 1% of all covId19 patients. Especially in the severe and critical type of covid-19 patients, pediatric patients are rarer. Therefore, heart problems in children are relatively rare. We rarely see children with myocardial damage in the ward of covid-19 patients. Whether a patient has heart problems often depends on the severity of the disease, instead of the age.

Q: It seems that children and adolescents are, fortunately, experiencing less severe disease. What about patients in that age group that are immunocompromised? (ex. solid organ transplant/BMT recipients)


Our hospital has diagnosed and treated more than 1,000 COVID-19 patients, but none of them have been transplanted with organs or bone marrow. Hence, we do not have any experience in the treatment of such patients. Theoretically, solid organ transplant/BMT recipients often take immunosuppressants, which may have weaker immune function and be more susceptible to COVID-19.